Character Trait Quarterly Awards

Award ribbons for Yankee Ridge students

Yankee Ridge students recently participated in our first Quarterly Awards Ceremony.  In an effort to recognize the various forms of excellence students exhibit throughout the school year, staff members decided to hold a celebration with all students at the end of each quarter.  Awards will be given out to students in each classroom for the following character traits or achievements:  Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Cooperation, Compassion, Perseverance, Most Improved, and Outstanding Achievement.   

The awards were handed out in two different school assemblies.  The first assembly recognized the Kindergarten through second grade students, and the second assembly recognized the third through fifth grade students. Students and staff also celebrated positive hallway behavior throughout the first quarter.  The hallway recognition came in the form of students learning, practicing, and performing the “wave”.  Hands went up and down in unison as the wave went back and forth across the gymnasium.  Students enjoyed the ceremony, and all were left with the encouraging fact that there are more awards to be earned throughout the next three quarters.

Yankee Ridge students recently participated in our first Quarterly Awards Ceremony.  In an effort to recognize the various forms of excellence students exhibit throughout the school year, staff members decided to hold a celebration with all students at the end of each quarter.  Awards will be given out to students in each classroom for the following character traits or achievements:  Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Cooperation, Compassion, Perseverance, Most Improved, and Outstanding Achievement.   

The awards were handed out in two different school assemblies.  The first assembly recognized the Kindergarten through second grade students, and the second assembly recognized the third through fifth grade students. Students and staff also celebrated positive hallway behavior throughout the first quarter.  The hallway recognition came in the form of students learning, practicing, and performing the “wave”.  Hands went up and down in unison as the wave went back and forth across the gymnasium.  Students enjoyed the ceremony, and all were left with the encouraging fact that there are more awards to be earned throughout the next three quarters.
